You sit at home, by yourself, or with your family.
You feel a little stuck, and frankly, a little bored, too.
You think by yourself: "Hmm... going out to have a meal with my friends would be nice now... or just going out at all - outside of these 4 walls."
Depending on which part of the globe you're reading this from, you're either in confinement, quarantine, isolation, allowed to go outside - or not.
And even though in some parts of the globe the restrictions are starting to loosen a bit, many countries still face the situation described above.
Well, right now, a lot of you need to stay home, to be safe...
- that is why we come to you! With a menu of fantastic topics to nourish your soul with new ideas and inspiration.
Just like the physical body needs nourishment, so does the mental "body" and our soul.
And that's why, once upon a time... during a crisis, 13 amazing coaches came together and decided to do something out of the ordinary, by sharing what they know during this crisis with the world.
The online SUMMIT
was born! A non-profit, benefit Summit, giving you the best practices, tools and strategies to master the crisis and come out as the best version of yourself!
In 12 interactive Keynotes of 30 minutes, 13 coaches from all over the globe will share their tools & strategies in an engaging online format. Join us live and get your questions answered immediately! Benefit from the online format and watch the recordings after the event at your leisure.
You can just join for one topic or you make yourself comfortable like in a chair at the movies and enjoy the whole show!
WHY are we doing this?
We firmly believe that this crisis has not separated, but connected us worldwide. And there is not one thing on this planet which cannot be fixed with the proper knowledge, education and implementation.
That's why we are sharing what we know with the world - and let you take what you need, implement it and take action. Let's learn from each other, expand our tool set to master any challenge, and grow together!
All the speakers are freely contributing to this great event. Any profit will be donated to
Summit Happy Home, a K2 foundation for orphans in Tanzania: